Friday, October 7, 2011


I am most certainly taken back by all the attention paid to the passing of Steve Jobs.  I am not referring to the business world.  I'm referring to the outpouring of love from Mr. Jobs' consumers.  Many people whose lives have been made easier, dare I say more enjoyable, because of his contributions to technology which have become ingrained in our society.  People were deeply saddened by Steve Jobs' death.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001

Defining Days

            My guess is that you’ve had good days and bad days in your life.  If you’re lucky then the good days outnumber the bad.  Sometimes these good or bad days may change your life.  In rare circumstances, there are days that change the entire world.  An attack on September 11, 2001 changed the world forever…and I was across the street.

September 12, 2001

Today was a good day

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hurrican's and Hurrican'ts,

The Hairpin Chronicles Redux
September 2011

o it has been a very eventful month or so for the Hairpin Clan.  We've had nieces, camping, earthquakes, and 40th birthday parties.

Sweet stuff first, it was such a delight to have two nieces visit us.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh the Joys of Cleaning

I don't like cleaning.

I don't like cleaning on my bike, 
     I don't like cleaning in my Nikes.  
I shant say cleaning is fun, 
     be it at the beginning or when it is done.  
I would rather bitch and moan as I sit, 
     "I don't like cleaning not one single bit"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Unemployment and other gobbledy gook

I'm beginning to type this blog when I hear my wife, hereafter known as "Flounder" ask, "so you had a vaginal delivery . . ." in a conversational manner.  This of course is not where I'm going at all with my first blog post, but it just seems like a very odd question.

This month's comedy shows